After the DIALux evo launch you have the possibility to send us feedback:

=> See also the article about privacy policy 

A welcome screen appears immediately afterwards, making it easier to get started with the lighting design:

The start screen is divided into three sections:

• Create new project
• Edit existing project
• Other topics

=> Create new project:

Outdoor and building planning

To start a new lighting design, a blank outdoor and building planning can be created.

Import plan or IFC

With this function you have the possibility to import different plan file formats into our DIALux evo software.

You can import the following file formats into our evo software:

.jpg / .jpeg / .png / .bmp / .tif / .tiff / .gif / .dwg / .dxf / .ifc

After importing the selected plan file, you will be taken directly to the customization of this plan.

Room planning

Our DIALux evo software can also be accessed via "Room planning". If this path is selected, either an empty rectangular room can be created by entering the length, width and height or a room can be freely drawn.

In addition, you still have the option to set the space, the height of the room and the wall thickness.

Street Lighting

In addition to the actual interior/exterior planning, street planning can also be performed. With a click

on the "Street planning editor" a complete lighting planning for the street is carried out.

Simple indoor planning

With this option, the user interface is reduced to the most necessary and simple elements. This allows you to plan simple rectangular rooms in just a few steps.

While you are working with "Simple indoor planning", you can switch to the full user interface at any time to place special objects or use other tools. 

Afterwards it is also possible to switch back to "Simple indoor planning". When you create a second room, it is no longer possible to switch to "Simple indoor planning".

=> Edit existing project:

Project history

Here you can load and edit an existing project file from a list of recently used projects. 

If you move the mouse cursor over the project history and stay with the mouse on an entry, the project information will be displayed. This is especially helpful to differentiate the existing projects. 

In the search field it is also possible to search for project names in the history. If the desired project cannot be found in the project history, the "Load project..." button can be used to locate the corresponding file in the network or locally on the PC.

=> Other topics:

Select your brands

This area of the start screen takes you directly to the manufacturer selection. 

This page lists all DIALux project partners including electronic luminaire catalogs (online/offline). Here you have the possibility to get information about our project partners and to open the so-called luminaire plug-ins either online or to download and install the offline plug-ins.


This is a link to our DIALux evo Academy.

Get to know all the functions of the software and optimize your workflow. In various tutorials and seminars we show you many tips and tricks to plan, calculate and visualize light optimally. Expand your knowledge in the fields of lighting technology, lighting design and lighting control. 

Help Forum

If you have questions or problems concerning DIALux, this page will take you directly to our DIALux evo forum. If you have current questions, suggestions or problems, you can contact us in this way.

Knowledge Base

Clicking on this button will take you directly to our DIALux evo knowledge base, where you can find many answers to your questions. 

If a question is not sufficiently explained in one of our articles, you have the possibility to contact us at the end of each article by clicking on "No, this answer was not helpful" and ask us further questions on the respective topic.


This button will take you directly to our YouTube channel, where you can find helpful tutorials on a wide variety of topics in our evo software.


This button will take you directly to our Youku channel, where you can find helpful tutorials on a wide variety of topics in our evo software.