Global false colours

DIALux evo offers a wide range of values. From outdoor lighting with a few lux, to indoor lighting around 500lx, to decorative floodlighting with 2000lx and more. The false colour view helps to interpret the calculation results quickly and easily. The settings of the false colour values apply to the entire project. They are therefore also called "global false colours". The colour set for a value is used in all diagrams and views.

Set false colours

You can switch the false colours on and off in the display options. You can decide whether DIALux should display illuminances (on virtual calculation surfaces and real surfaces) or luminances (only on real surfaces) as false colours.

You can also specify whether the false colours are drawn softly or with hard edges and gradations. Seamless transitions are suitable for an appealing visualisation, incremental transitions are easier to interpret. 

DIALux automatically offers 3 colour ranges: Low values, medium values and high values. A total of 27 colours are available. This sufficiently covers most applications, e.g. outdoor lighting, indoor lighting and accent lighting.

If one of these colour ranges is less important for your current project, or if you want to display more colours in a value range, you can adjust them with the sliders:

  • With the left slider you change the lower and the middle value range.
  • With the right slider you change the middle range and the upper value range.

The values in the affected value ranges are automatically interpolated.

Edit individual values

You can also manipulate individual values directly. Right-click on the colour scale to set the value and assign a new colour, e.g. to clearly highlight limit values.