You can create as many light scenes as you wish for your projects. In each scene you can use different luminaires or different settings of the luminaires for the lighting installation. Multi-channel settings for luminaires may also be included in the light scenes. You do not have to worry about control groups. DIALux automatically takes care of how the luminaires are to be divided up so that the light scenes are calculated without conflicts due to contradictory dimming settings.
The first light scene is set automatically for you. If you do not make any changes to this, all luminaires will be calculated with 100% luminous flux in one single light scene.
Create light scene for a room/ space
Using this function, with one click you can generate a light scene in which only those luminaires are used in the selected room or space in order, for example to achieve a calculation result for one room only without the influence from external light sources. No other luminaires in this light scene are taken into consideration. Of course, you can continue to edit and change this "room light scene".
Duplicate light scene
With this function you can generate new light scenes. An already existing lighting scene which has been generated automatically by DIALux is used as the basis. Changes can be made to the copy, e.g. different dimming settings or different compositions of luminaire groups.
Create new luminaire group
Luminaire groups are luminaires which are switched on and off or are dimmed together or which have common channel settings. Just mark the luminaires concerned and press "Create new luminaire group". A luminaire cannot belong to various luminaire groups since this might lead to contradictory switching or dimming conditions. If you try to allow a luminiare to a second luminaire group within the light scenes, the function will be deactivated. In this case, you must first remove the luminaire from the old luminaire group. To do this, select the luminaire and click within the luminaire group on the small minus symbol below the CAD. In the same way you can add a luminaire to a luminaire group.
Active light scene
Here you can edit the name and description of the light scene.
For larger projects it is of great benefit to allocate names to the light scenes, e.g. "all on", "presentation", "pause", etc. That makes switching around and finding again much easier.
Light scenes
All the light scenes created are listed here. They can be called up with a double-click. Alternatively, you can rearrange the light scenes at the top of the window and activate them with the button next to them. The creation of light textures for CAD may take a few moments. Room light scenes are marked with (S).
New luminaires are always inserted first into the active light scene.
Here it is possible to combine light scenes which makes sense e.g. for room light scenes. Instead of generating three room light scenes and all the combinations of the different light scenes, you now need only the three room light scenes. With the help of the check boxes these can be combined and visualised. If required, a combination of light scenes can be saved as a new light scene be used in the documentation.
Luminaire groups of light scenes
Here all the luminaire groups of the active light scene are listed. You can delete (-) or add (+) luminaires from or to the groups, rename or delete the group or set the luminous flux percentually. With multi-channel luminaires each channel can be set separately.
On the right hand side you can see the symbols for
- updating each of the light scenes
- setting all the luminaires together to 100% luminous flux
- setting all the luminaires together to 0%
- combine luminaire goups with the same dimming values into one new luminaire group.