It is possible to import a 3D DWG into our evo software, but we use DWG files exclusively as building plans for the manual construction of buildings. These files are displayed as wireframe models in our evo software.
It is also possible to import 3D models (.3ds or .Sat files (ACIS)) into evo. These models are displayed as solid objects.
If you want to use all functions in our evo software (e.g. daylight calculation and documentation for each floor/room), you have to construct a building as you can see in the tutorials on our YouTube channel. A 3D DWG model only has the geometry information and misses information like the size and geometry of a single room or the position of windows/doors.
Please watch the tutorials on our YouTube channel that show you how to construct a building properly with the help of a DWG:
=> The DIALux - YouTube-Kanal DIALux evo-Tutorials